“Some highlights include Gil Brady, in his FST debut, as an addled, new father of a baby boy, who’s completely besot and riddled with ooky-wooky baby talk in “The Baby Song.” He’s hilarious as an incarcerated felon who “scares straight” a woman brought to a prison by her therapist to get realistic about her expectations of a partner.”
– Pelican Press
“Its current revival at FST, though, is thoroughly likeable, with a perfect cast of four. They fill the shiny panel-framed stage mostly with fun, sometimes with pathos, to just the right music from behind the darker back scrim.”
– Aisle Say, Florida
“The cast, directed by Kate Alexander, is high-energy and adept at switching swiftly from one character or mood to another…”
– Sarasota Magazine
“You’ll love it — and you won’t want to change a thing.”
– Creative Loafing Sarasota